Sunday, July 10, 2005

The Last Post !

Firstly, I have to say a big thanks to those who posted replies to my message last week. It caused much upset to our drummer Lee who could not understand why anyone would reply to my message and not his, which was, “much better”. Maybe it was something to do with me pleading for people to reply?

Anyway, it’s been a funny old week and last Saturday’s Live8 gigs seem a long time ago now, so much has happened in the UK since. What with the G8 protests and the G8 meeting itself in Scotland and the London Olympic bid success quickly followed by the London terrorist bombs, the journalists certainly couldn’t complain about it being a slow news week.

When I think of the euphoria in London surrounding the success of the Olympic bid quickly followed by the shock and grief the following day, it occurred to me that you just never know what’s around the corner. I suppose we just have to take each day as it comes and try to make the most of it.

Back in our own little world, it’s been a productive week. Last Sunday Blair took some photo’s of the band in a nice little park in the southside of Glasgow. It’s one of these parks that you often pass but never venture into. I havn’t seen the photo’s yet, but I’m sure they’ll be up to Blair’s high standards. We’ve also been working hard in rehearsals to get some of our new songs ready for some pre production recordings we’re going to do this week. We’re now getting really excited about going back into the studio to record again and there will hopefully be some news up on the website soon regarding this.

I have to point out that I’m writing this on Sunday morning and I’m feeling a bit rough. Last night most of the band went along to the 13th Note café where Lee was playing drums with his new band (don’t worry, he’s not left Cam Ob, it’s just a bit of a side project). Anyway, they’re called “Love Pump” and they play funky, electronicy, dancy sort of stuff. Gotta say it was pretty tight for a 1st gig, so if you ever get the chance and you’re into that sort of thing, try them out (that’s assuming they ever play again?).

Finally, I have some extremely sad news to share with you all. Hedges, our pet hamster, passed away quietly in his sleep on Thursday night. Thankfully, being the band trumpet player, I was able to give a very moving rendition of the Last Post, whilst Claire sent him into the hamster afterlife, via the rubbish chute in our apartment.

Bye for now.



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